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Empowering insight through accessible climate data visualisation

#Agile #API


Software Solution Case Study _ CLIMATE DEMO

Climate Data Service (CDS) is a startup business which has identified a need to provide citizens and businesses with access to comprehensive climate data. CDS has ingested and transformed data from climate organisations around the world who have created climate models to predict changes in temperature, precipitation and many other parameters. Although this data is in principle freely available, it is extremely difficult to access and so many decisions affected by future climate changes are made without effective knowledge.


CDS has focused on addressing the technical challenges of handling and processing massive amounts of data and making it easily accessible through a powerful and reliable API.


This API is designed to work seamlessly with various analytical tools, enabling individuals with advanced data expertise to perform a wide range of analyses that can inform both business and personal decisions related to climate change mitigation and adaptation.


Our primary objective was to develop a user-friendly web application that effectively showcases the extensive data available through the CDS API.


We wanted to ensure that even individuals without specialized knowledge in data analysis could easily configure the application to assess how the API can meet their specific business requirements. Most importantly, the application aims to provide a visually captivating experience that clearly communicates the implications of climate change and its potential impact.

During Sprint-zero a series of use cases were considered to understand how the climate data could be visualised in a compelling way. The output was a visual prototype which was reviewed with the CDS team. Agile delivery enabled the application to be delivered over a series of sprints with close cooperation between the Pluralit and CDS team enabling more sophisticated API calls being incorporated into the application.



The key results from the design engagement has been a very compelling user experience design. The key idea was to provide the ability to have several concurrent views of different aspects of climate data from multiple locations. These can be easily configured and naturally support some of the most important questions:


  1. How do locations and regions compare to each other

  2. How is climate change affecting that comparison


The approach of presenting a set of configurable widgets has proven very successful and has been adopted by CDS for its own custom solutions.


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